References and reads we love.

USD Professor Simon Croom Pens Fortune Article on Prevalence of Psychopathy in Corporate Leadership.

How Toxic Colleagues Erode Performance, Porath and Pearson.

World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2020.

UN Women, Sustainable Development Goals 2022.

European Institute for Global Equality 2022.

PayScale, 2023.

McKinsey & Company, Why Gender Equality Matters in Business Success, 2022.

Australian Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2023.

Erik Larson, 2017, New Research: Diversity and Inclusion Equals Better Decision Making at Work.

Dishion, T. J., & Snyder, J. J. (Eds.). (2016). The Oxford handbook of coercive relationship dynamics. Oxford University Press.

Stark, E. (2007). Coercive control: How men entrap women in personal life. Oxford University Press.

Young, Koenigs, Kruepke, & Newman, 2012. Psychopathy Increases Perceived Moral Permissibility of Accidents.

Ragatz, Femouw, & Baker, 2012. The psychological profile of white-collar offenders: Demographics, criminal thinking, psychopathic traits, and psychopathology.

Stradovnik & Stare, 2018. Correlation between Machiavellian leadership and emotional exhaustion of employees.

Wisse & Sleebos, 2016. When the dark ones gain power: Perceived position power strengthens the effect of supervisor Machiavellianism on abusive supervision in work teams.

Hershcovis & Barling, 2010 Towards a multi-foci approach to workplace aggression: A meta-analytic review of outcomes from different perpetrators.

Michalak & Ashkanasy, 2020 Working with monsters: counting the costs of workplace psychopaths and other toxic employees.

Michalak, Kiffin-Petersen, & Ashkanasy, 2019 'I feel mad so I be bad': The role of affect, dissatisfaction and stress in determining responses to interpersonal deviance.

Katz, 2016 Beyond the Physical Incident Model: How Children Living with Domestic Violence are Harmed By and Resist Regimes of Coercive Control.

Katz, Nikupeteri, & Laitinen, 2019 Coercive control and technology-facilitated parental stalking in children’s and young people’s lives.

Christine Porath and Christine Pearson, How Toxic Colleagues Corrode Performance.