What makes us unique?
The Kalmor Institute comprises a team of people with an outstanding level of knowledge, wisdom, and practical experience, as well as a passion to make a difference which goes far beyond most advisors, consultancies, and individual experts.
Understanding human behaviour is our super-power.
Our knowledge of and insight into human behaviour is exceptional. All of us at The Kalmor Institute have metaphorically ‘wrestled a tiger around a room’. That is, we have firsthand experience with a wide range of extremes of human behaviour and everything in between. There is not a situation regarding human behaviour we do not have insight into and knowledge on how to address.
Our knowledge is stand-out.
Our interventions, support and programs are informed by behavioural science research and the most current learnings on human engagement, cultural change, women and success, corporate psychopaths, narcissists, bullying, toxic behaviours, predators, and coercive control. Some of our people have specialist PhD’s in areas we advise in and offer cutting edge knowledge to our offerings. Karen Mitchell’s PhD data, for example, is the first in the world on the shared attributes of, and tactics used by corporate psychopaths, coercive controllers, narcissists, predators, and others. Felicity McFarlane’s PhD is on trauma in children often resulting from parenting by a coercive controlling, psychopathic or narcissistic parent.
We have a deep understanding of and familiarity with workplace and organisational drivers.
At the Kalmor Institute we are deeply experienced in work with organisations, from both an internal as well as an external advisory and practice perspective. We understand organisations have a purpose, goals, and financial as well as other drivers, that advice and support is not delivered in a vacuum but within an organisational context. Our work is highly cognisant of commercial and organisational imperatives. We also understand organisational dynamics, factors influencing organisational and environmental leverage, and the importance of stakeholder input in any change interventions. Our advisors are highly experienced and sophisticated in their insights and recommendations.
Our approach is pragmatic.
Our advice and programs are highly practical. We are experienced at working with people in a wide range of circumstances and contexts. We use our knowledge to offer highly pragmatic, down-to-earth, usable advice, feedback, interventions, training, coaching and support. In the training and education area, our work equips people for ‘real life’.
We are interested in building confidence and capability, not just knowledge.
Most training and development and one-on-one coaching and counselling programs provide participants with insight and knowledge. Our programs are different. We also build confidence and capability in our participants, so they feel motivated to engage with what they have learnt and equipped to handle barriers and push-back. Our programs are delivered by highly experienced professionals who have an exceptional level of wisdom and practical knowledge. It is rare to find a team of such experienced and senior practitioners, all with great passion to engage and support others in growth and learning with compassion and insight. In our organisational change work, we are also interested in building internal organisational capability, so you do not need to engage external support in the future. We train your people to drive, manage and support further change.
We are the only corporate consultancy in the world offering a highly sophisticated range of advisory and training services related to high functioning psychopaths, narcissists, coercive controllers, and predators.
Our offerings apply to all contexts, from corporates, to the justice system, to religion, to law enforcement, to domestic violence, and many others.
Further questions we get asked about our training and education and coaching and one-on-one programs.
Who delivers our programs?
Our training and development and one-on-one coaching programs are delivered by highly experienced professionals who have all worked in and with complex organisational dynamics at all levels.
Do you tailor programs to our organisation?
While we have set material that is important to cover to meet the objectives of our training and education programs, we do tailor our programs to organisations. This may include the use of organisation-specific language, targeted case studies, organisational speakers, role play scenarios, to name a few. Our coaching and one-on-one programs are very specific to the individual and their needs.
Do you offer electronic learning options?
Yes! We have online courses with the same content and same fantastic interactive delivery techniques as our face-to-face programs. We design our online programs with flexibility in mind, so that working professionals and others can easily access the content at a time that suits their needs. Depending on your needs, culture, and issues, we may recommend face-to-face learning for better outcomes.