Core purpose.
We create workplace and organisational cultures in which people thrive.
Note: To thrive is to grow vigorously, to do well, to flourish, and to prosper. To flourish is to find fulfillment in our lives, accomplishing meaningful and worthwhile tasks, and connecting with others at a deeper level in essence, living the ‘good life’ (Seligman, 2011).
We increase global awareness of the tactics used by high functioning narcissists, psychopaths, coercive controllers, predators.
A joy-filled, resilient, and thriving human population.
Core values.
Passionately engaged.
We are committed to the cause and inspired by the possibility of the vision.
Rigorously informed.
We are highly experienced and deeply knowledgeable in our work.
Respectfully honest.
We speak the truth, even where this may be challenging, unbelievable, or risky and we are always professional.
Personally fulfilled.
We find the work interesting and rewarding and take steps to manage our resilience.
What we do.
There are two aspects to our offerings. The first is building thriving cultures. The second is addressing people and behaviours who undermine or block thriving cultures.
The first is a complex process of engagement. The second can be a challenging and sometimes risky exercise.
Creating and maintaining cultures in which people thrive.
Creating thriving cultures.
Addressing blockers to thriving cultures.
Cultures are powerful behavioural drivers which can make or break organisations and communities. Cultures have the capacity to create overwhelmingly positive results through engagement of people’s passion and commitment. Organisations without healthy, vital cultures, however, are at risk of great loss, controversy, and ultimate demise, because of the capacity for people to behave consistently in ways that are not aligned with the organisation’s aims and aspirations and are harmful or compromising of others.
It is imperative that organisations and communities develop, maintain, monitor, and structurally embed cultures that are aspirational and drive behaviours which align with these aspirations. The risk of loss is otherwise great. Research shows that individuals who engage in bullying, toxic or predatory behaviours, regardless of their contribution or importance in an organisation, decrease overall effectiveness and results.

Our story.
The Kalmor Institute was started by Karen Mitchell in 2003. Karen was concerned about the low number of women in senior roles she observed as she worked with leading organisations on culture change interventions, so she left the boutique consulting firm she worked with to start one of her own.
Karen’s vision when she started Kalmor was that all women live lives that they love while contributing powerfully and to their greatest potential in the paid workforce.
Kalmor has been engaged by many top tier organisations across all sectors in the gender space and across general culture change, training and education, and coaching areas, as well as being sought for guest speaking events and media comment.
A further chapter was yet to come for Kalmor. In her decades of culture change and leadership development work, as well as her volunteer and charity work. Karen distinguished a set of common behaviours in some individuals which destabilised organisations and compromised and harmed individuals. Karen was struck by how destructive these behaviours were which led to a PhD, and a new and broader vision for The Kalmor Institute.
Karen’s PhD data and the new specialist area for Kalmor is on the shared attributes of, and tactics used by corporate psychopaths, coercive controllers, narcissists, predators, and others who manipulate, bully/intimidate, harm and control but may appear ‘normal’, knowledgeable and compelling. Her work shows this sub-set of the population have behaviours driven from a common set of attributes.
Kalmor has been engaged by many top tier organisations across all sectors.
Our approach and philosophy, some key points.
Teach a person to fish, don’t give them fish. We train people to manage change, so the capability stays within the business or the organisation.
Our focus is always on building awareness, knowledge, confidence, and capability in others. We don’t only impart knowledge; we build confidence and skills.
Our work is data-informed and research-based.
Our work is always tailored to you, the client. We must understand who you are before we can assist and support you. We must also understand the environment you are operating in.
Narcissists, psychopaths, predators, coercive controllers actively violate social norms; harm and disadvantage others by conscious choice; and share a common set of attributes. Someone is either of ‘Dark Personality’ or they are not. There are no degrees or continuums.
Confidentiality is paramount to our work.