Bullying, toxic, predatory, and coercively controlling behaviours in the justice system.

High functioning narcissists, psychopaths, predators, coercive controllers (cumulatively Dark Personality), cause enormous harm yet they are usually empowered in the justice system.

The law often applies only to overt and extreme forms of harm which present with tangible evidence such as rape, murder, theft, and armed robbery.

Data indicates that people of Dark Personality in non-forensic populations whose methods of harm are much less obvious, are equally as dangerous and sadistic as those who commit overt crimes; and share the same attributes.

The Kalmor Institute, through world-first research with international experts, has created a method to enhance and package harmful, covert behaviours which do not leave physical evidence, so they are more overt, tangible and recognisable as harmful.

We have also created a unique, ground breaking interviewing/interrogation process designed to expose people of Dark Personality in the courts. This process is based on best practice interviewing/interrogation technique FBI work and other research. 

High functioning Dark Personalities are deeply manipulative, exploitative, predatory, and self-interested, yet they seem credible and very normal. They do not experience fear and so are brazen and compelling in their dishonesty. Many are doctors, lawyers, military officers, executives, company directors, religious figures, academics, charity workers and so present as professionally credible also.

High functioning Dark Personalities are not only proficient in hiding their true nature in the courts, they also weaponise the justice system to further control, dominate and harm their targets and are invested in prolonging and escalating proceedings.

For solicitors seeking to understand how high functioning Dark Personalities are motivated, the tactics they use and how they can be exposed, so they can best represent targets/victims, the Kalmor Institute have programs which are deeply nuanced, and data informed.

The measures and assessment tools developed to identify Dark Personalities, which are sometimes used in the courts, such as the PCL-R, have been developed either from incarcerated populations or from studying traits of Dark Personalities in the general population, neither approach of which is fully representative of Dark Personalities.

For solicitors seeking to understand how high functioning Dark Personalities are motivated, the tactics they use and how they can be exposed, so they can best represent targets/victims, the Kalmor Institute have programs which are deeply nuanced, and data informed.

Here at the Kalmor Institute we have created a unique, world first interviewing/interrogation process designed to expose people of Dark Personality in the courts. This process is based on best practice interviewing/interrogation FBI work and other research.

Consulting and advisory.

We work with legal representatives to understand the motivations and tactics of specific Dark Personalities and to develop strategies and approaches which best expose them.

Training and education.

We offer the following training and education programs:

  • Contact the Kalmor Institute for a program outline.

  • Contact the Kalmor Institute for a program outline.

  • Contact the Kalmor Institute for a program outline.

Coaching and on-on-one work.

We offer one-on-one programs for professionals and stakeholders dealing with a Dark Personality in the justice system and who might benefit from further nuanced insight into their motivations, tactics, and potential responses.

Presentations and speaking engagements.

We offer presentations for large groups, including partnership teams and conferences, on the following topic areas:

  • Tactics of psychopaths and narcissists in the legal system.

  • Principles for exposing narcissists and psychopaths in the courts.

  • Coercive control and family law: principles and practicalities

  • Coercive control in different contexts: terrorism, cults, coercive DV, child prostitution, human slavery, and others.